The Inaugural



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What is the DARE TO DREAM series?

It is an upcoming motivational reality series, about how the everyday person can achieve their fitness goals and sporting dreams. The entire journey will be documented and hopefully, the series will motivate and encourage everyone out there to pursue their supposedly impossible fitness and sporting goals.

What is the series about?

Ever wondered how pro athletes play at the highest levels for so many years?

Have you had to give up on your childhood dreams of playing professionally, or even representing your country because you did not have access to the expertise and resources required to bring you to the top?

Suppose today these resources are made available to you, how far do you think you can go in your chosen sport?

If you have ever entertained these thoughts, you are the person we are looking for!

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for 5 everyday Joes or Janes, aged between 21-45 years old.

The everyday person who wants to play their favourite sport at a much higher level than they are able to right now. So if you are a big Football, Athletics, Badminton, Tennis or MMA fan and want to be able to play the sport better, we want you!

You must really love your sport and will do what it takes to become a better version of yourself. You must have the perseverance and will to reach your goal.

We will be there all the way to help you.

If you are chosen as one of the successful applicants, what can you look forward to?

You can look forward to becoming the best version of yourself!

We will help you to attain a level of sporting ability and achievement that you once thought was impossible!

We will bring the experts and resources to you. Nutritionists and dieticians, sports psychologists, physical trainers, sports coaches and other experts in the sporting field that can help contribute to your success.

We will provide the training plans, the follow ups, the advice. Even sparring partners if necessary.

Over $10,000 worth of expert help, training apparel and clinical diagnoses will be provided to help you along the way!

Additional prizes await you if you successfully complete the program!

All we need from you, is the will to succeed.


Fill up the form below and our team will get in touch with you.

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Thank you for your interest and support!

We have now closed the application and are in the midst of deliberating the suitability of all the applicants.

Don’t forget to look out for our Social Media pages!